好事也,彼此成為FB friend了之後,日日分享資訊。原來他活躍當地華人社區活動,屬於知名人士;也關心香港故鄉事務,去年雨傘運動之後,人人皆被逼選取一個立場---他和我一樣,是民主自由派,不厭惡梁振英至奇。
最近梁振英訪英,他和一些當地的同道中人,組成港人「海外港人聯盟」(Hong Kong Overseas Alliance), 撐起黃傘,在冷風中站在街頭,等梁振英經過讓他看到,又拉起橫額叫他下台。他把相片上載FB,我馬上留言送上like和轉貼出去。
(該組織網頁報道:梁特訪英遇示威 選擇迴避運路走 )
還有,人家反對梁振英,他就說人either無知、違背良心 or 收了錢。
To: XX
Subject: RE: Protest against CY Leung
Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2015
Dear XX,
As I said this is a free country and you have a right to express your opinion and certainly have a right to protest.
What I don't understand is the action you took against him. Have you defected to the Tory(註:Tory 即保守黨)? Or prefer the Tory's policy over Labour? Do you dislike his policy or you dislike him as a person? If you dislike his policy then you are misinformed about his policy. If you dislike him as a person then this is very unfair as you hardly know him.
He is a admirer of Tony Blair and endorse Labour policy. That's why I took him to the Chinese for Labour New Year dinner a few years ago and he met you. He is a Jeremy Corbyn of Hong Kong, promoting and pushing socialist policy for the first time since the colonial days. Of course the wealthy people dislike him like the Tory dislike Jeremy Corbyn. You probably don't even know that Hong Kong is run by the wealthy for the wealthy. The wealthy legislators with the support of the super wealthy property tycoons drawn up the fiscal policy for Hong Kong, resulting in the highest property prices in the world. Four times higher than London and three times higher than New York. There is no capital gain tax, no inheritance tax, corporation and personal tax at the maximum of 15%. All designed to help the rich get richer and keep their wealth forever.
CY Leung came from a working class background and wanted to change all that in Hong Kong. Yet he was shouted down by you, 'CY Leung step down now'. I was just puzzled and amazed that a Labour supporter such as you shouted at a socialist practitioner to step down. It doesn't really make sense. Perhaps and may be you have a hidden agenda which is misguided, misinformed or doing it for money against your own conscience because I simply failed to understand your action. Do you know a better replacement CEO for Hong Kong?
If there is something or questions that you want me to pass it to CY Leung, please let me know. He welcomes all constructive comment. If you want him to step down please give me a reason and suggest a replacement name.
I hope you realise that your action has been noticed by the Chinese Embassy that you may be banned from entering Mainland China in line with their policy for all the Hong Kong protestors.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Best wishes,
感謝 子貓物語 提供以上資料
子貓物語的網誌: http://chrisleung1954.blogspot.hk/