肉松夹心蛋糕 Pork Floss Cake Slice

Min's 於 2013-07-23 12:09:03 發表  |  累積瀏覽 581


做蛋糕除了需要时间, 也要看心情, 感觉今年开始烘焙的次数减少了, 很难才可以抽空来玩烘焙。 其实也不是说对它的热衷开始冷淡了, 只是今年感觉忙这再忙那, 时间有点不够用的感觉。 所以这次周末有机会就把握了难得的机会把这个蛋糕做了。 

  • 蛋黄 4个
  • 细糖 15g
  • 牛奶 60g
  • 植物油 40g
  • 低筋面粉 80g
  • 粟粉 20g
  • 蛋白 4个
  • 细糖 40g
  • 肉松, 青葱, 美奶滋适量
  1. 蛋黄和细糖搅拌均匀, 加入油和牛奶, 筛入面粉, 搅拌均匀。 
  2. 蛋白用电动搅拌器搅拌至起泡, 分次加入糖, 搅拌至湿性发泡。
  3. 蛋白分三次和蛋黄糊混合均匀, 动作要轻盈, 以免蛋白消泡。
  4. 把面糊倒入烤盘, 把表面用刮刀抹平。 
  5. 上面撒上肉松和青葱。 
  6. 放入预热180‘C的烤箱烤12-15分钟。 
  7. 把蛋糕从烤盘取出, 撕掉烘焙纸。
  8. 蛋糕冷切后, 蛋糕切一半, 抹上美奶滋放些肉松, 再叠在一起。
Pork Floss Cake Slice
Source:Jane's Corner
  • 4 egg yolks, 15g sugar, 60g milk, 40g oil, 80g low protein flour, 20g corn flour
  • 4 egg white, 40g sugar
  • 5-6 tbsp pork floss, Some spring onion for garnishing, some mayonnaise
  1. Beat egg yolks with sugar. Add in oil and milk followed by flour and mix until a smooth consistency is achieved. Set it aside.
  2. In a grease-free bowl, beat egg white until frothy. Add in sugar in three batches. Beat until soft peak. 
  3. Fold the egg white mixture into yolk batter in three portions, doing it very gently and slowly taking care not to deflate the egg white.
  4. Pour the batter into swiss roll pan and using a plastic scrapper, smoothen the batter. 
  5. Sprinkle pork floss and spring onion on top of the cake.
  6. Bake in preheat oven at 180C for 12 - 15 minutes.
  7. Holding onto the baking paper, pull the cake out of the pan onto a cooling rack immediately. Peel down the sides of the baking paper carefully to let the heat dissipate.
  8. When cake has completely cooled down, cut the cake into half.
  9. Spread / sandwich cake with mayo and some pork floss if you wish.
  10. Cut into small pieces and served.
甜味的蛋糕和带咸的肉松的配合真的有点惊喜, 想不到它们可以如此的天衣无缝。蛋糕体有点像戚风, 比较轻盈的感觉, 当小小点心很适合。 而且蛋糕在烤箱散发的香味, 真的很诱人, 刚出炉的蛋糕, 接二连三的还真的有点停不了口。

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