每次到年尾, 我都觉得自己不知觉的有点懒散了, 做事总提不起劲。 这篇文字我也是拖了一天又一天, 现在才甘愿好好坐下来写的。 年尾学校放长假,
也是旅行的季节, 不过我今年的旅行计划都一一完成, 只有专心地开始筹备明年的吧。 有时会特别怀念念书的日子, 竟然有那么这样漫长的假期,
现在开始工作后, 每个星期的周末的休息时刻都会特别珍惜, 有时真的觉得好累, 好想给自己放一个长假。
近来我都一直在用 Elin 的食谱, 这个也不例外。 其实一开始看到面包的名称, 我都还搞不懂pull-apart
bread是什么特别的东东。后来读下去, 才了解原来就是那么简单, 因为面包被做成这样一片片叠起来, 所以就可以一片片撕下来吃,
因此叫做pull-apart bread。 而且中文还有人把它称为风琴音箱, 像吗? 这样的面包呈现方式是不是很有创意, 是我第一次见呢。
中筋面粉 385g + 1Tbsp
细糖 50g
酵母 1 + 1/4tsp
盐 1/2 tsp
鸡蛋 2 个
奶油 60g
牛奶 80ml
水 60ml
香草香精 1tsp
细糖 200g
肉桂粉 2tsp
豆蔻粉 1/2 tsp(我没放)
奶油 60克
* 将细糖,肉桂粉和豆蔻粉混合备用, 奶油隔水加热直到融化, 待凉。
在一个大盆, 混合 280g 面粉,细糖,酵母,盐,备用。 鸡蛋在另一个容器打散备用。
冷却后, 倒
入干料混合物(做法1)里,搅拌,然后加入打散的鸡蛋,继续搅拌。然后加入105g 的面粉,用橡皮刮刀搅
拌了2分钟, 然后搓揉大概10分钟, 如果用搅拌器, 用一半的时间就可以了, 不用搅拌出薄膜。
发酵好的面团加入2大匙面粉揉匀, 松弛5分钟。
面团用擀面杖擀成约 30cmx50cm的长方形 。
在面皮涂上溶化奶油, 洒上混合好的细糖,肉桂粉和豆蔻粉。
然后把面皮切成6长条, 再将6长条叠在一起, 再切成6份。
将切好的面块放到 22x12x8烤盘里,像书页一样。
放入预热180‘C的烤箱, 烤30分钟。
Cinnamon Sugar Pull -Apart Bread (取自Elinluv's Sweet Delights)
2 3/4 cups ( 385 gms ) plus 1 tbsp all purpose flour
1/4 cup ( 50 gms) granulated sugar
1 1/4 tsps ( 1 envelope) instant dry yeast
1/2 tsp salt
2 larg eggs, at room temperature
2 ounces ( 60 gms ) unsalted butter
1/3 cup ( 80 ml) milk
1/4 cup ( 60 ml) water
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
1 cup ( 200gms) granulated sugar
2 tsps ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp fresh ground nutmeg (optional)
2 ounces (60 gms ) unsalted butter
1. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together 2 cups (280 gms) flour, sugar, yeast and salt. Set aside.
2. In a small bowl, whisk together the eggs and set aside.
3. Melt the butter with milk. You can melt the butter in milk in a small saucepan over medium-low heat.
4. Add the water and vanilla extract to the milk-butter mixture and stir a little.
5. Now pour the milk mixture into the dry ingredients and mix with a
spatula. Add the eggs and stir the mixture until the eggs are
incorporated into the batter. Add the remaining 3/4 cup (105 gms) of
flour and stir with the spatula for about 2 minutes. Then knead and form
a nice ball. Knead the dough by hand for about 10 minutes. You can use
an electric mixer and have the job done in about half the time.
6. Grease a clean bowl a little and place the dough ball inside. Cover
with plastic wrap and place in a warm space and allow to restuntil
doubled in size, about 1 hour.
7. De-flat the risen dough and knead about 1 tablespoon of flour into the dough.
8. Place the dough onto a lightly floured work surface.
9. Roll out until it's about 12 inches tall (30cm) and about 20 inches (50cm) wide.
10. Prepare the filling - melt the butter ( in microwave oven or in a saucepan )
11. Mix the sugar with the cinnamon.
12. Use a pastry brush to spread melted butter across all of the dough. Sprinkle with all of the sugar and cinnamon mixture.
13. Slice the dough vertically, into six equal-sized strips.
14. Stack the strips on top of one another and slice the stack into six equal slices once again. You will have
six stacks of six squares.
15. Grease and flour a 9x5x3 inch (22x12x8) loaf pan.
16. Layer the dough squares in the loaf pan like a flip-book. Place a
kitchen towel over the loaf pan and allow to rest in a warm place for
30-40 minutes.
17. Then bake in the preheated oven at 350degF ( 177 deg C) for about 30
minutes or until the tops are very golden brown. The top may be
lightly browned, but the center may still be raw. A nice, dark,golden
brown will ensure that the center is cooked as well. If you use a heavy ,
black loaf pan like I did, reduce the oven temperature slightly. Things
seem to bake faster in it.
18. Remove from the oven and allow to rest for 20-30 minutes. Run a
butter knife around the edges of the pan to loosen the bread and invert
onto a clean board. Place a cake stand or cake plate on top of the
upside down loaf, and carefully invert so it's right side up.
* 要看图文步骤, 可以参考这里。
这个面包的味道跟之前做过的肉桂卷很相似, 只是这个比较特别, 可以一片片用手撕下来吃。 面包刚出炉的时候已经可以嗅到很浓的肉桂香味了, 所以大家都迫不及待的你一片, 我一片的, 撕下来吃。 这样的吃法很过瘾, 带有sharing/分享的感觉。
这个食谱其实跟普通的面包有不同, 因为用的是中筋面粉, 不是中筋噢, 而且面团不需要搅拌到薄膜的程度,省下不少时间。
我自己觉得这面包做出来的第二天就比较硬了, 所以要沾咖啡才比较好吃。 而且它的馅料的糖份好多, 我记得我没有完全洒完, 是我可以接受的甜度。
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