爱上了 '咖啡核桃夹心蛋糕' Coffee Walnut Crumble Cake

Min's 於 2011-05-11 15:58:56 發表  |  累積瀏覽 587


虽然我很喜欢烘焙, 但是我却很少吃蛋糕或其它甜品。 平时自己烘的蛋糕, 都会意思的吃一两块, 其它就留给家人去解决了。 所以更不用说在外头买蛋糕吃, 更是很少有那个想吃的冲动。 不过噢, 凡事还是有例外的, 就是这个蛋糕, 我吃了超过两块, 而且还拿它当早餐, 所以看到它的魅力了吧? 

食谱收下已久, 只是一直被我忽略,直到近来, 我又把它找回来。 一直以来我都对有crumbles的蛋糕有特别的好感, 感觉它们好高贵, 而这个蛋糕就属于这类, 还在中间那层夹了一层的crumbles, 我真的难以抗拒 :)

咖啡核桃夹心蛋糕 ( 取自 Happy Home Baking'sCoffee Yogurt Cashew Nuts Cake )

  • 消化饼, 弄碎 100g
  • 核桃碎, 烤过 50g
  • 黄糖 50g
  • 即溶咖啡粉 5g
  • 肉桂粉 2.5g
  • 奶油 (从冰箱拿出) 50g
  • 牛油 150g
  • 细糖 100g
  • 蛋 2
  • 香草精 1/2tsp
  • 盐 小撮
  • 低筋面粉 200g
  • 发粉 1tsp
  • 优格 150g
  1. 把消化饼, 黄糖, 核桃碎, 肉桂粉, 即溶咖啡粉混合一起。 用手指尖, 把它们和奶油混合一起, 成为碎粒。 
  2. 用搅拌器把牛油和细糖用慢速拌打均匀,再用中速拌打至松发。
  3. 加入香草精和盐, 拌匀。
  4. 慢慢加入蛋液,  继续拌打成光滑的奶油状。
  5. 分3次加入粉类,用橡皮刮刀拌匀。 优格也分3次加入, 拌匀。 
  6. 把1/3的crumbles, 平均的铺平在20cm的圆形活动模, 用叉子的背部压平。 
  7. 放入一半的面糊, 用橡皮刮刀抹平。 撒上1/3的crumbles, 加入剩余的面糊, 抹平。
  8. 在上面撒上剩余的crumbles。 
  9. 放入预热170'C的烤箱, 烤大概35-40分钟。 
Coffee Walnut Crumble Cake (Adapted fromHappy Home Baking)

for the crumbles:
  • 100g digestive biscuits (crushed)
  • 50g walnuts, lightly roasted and chopped coarsely (I used cashew nuts)
  • 50g light brown sugar
  • 5g instant coffee powder
  • 2.5g cinnamom powder (I omitted this)
  • 50g butter, cold
for the cake layer:
  • 150g butter, soften at room temperature
  • 100g caster sugar
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten (about 100g)
  • half teaspoon vanilla extract
  • a pinch of salt
  • 200g cake flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 150g plain yoghurt
  1. Mix crushed digestive biscuits, light brown sugar, chopped walnuts (or cashew nuts), cinnamon powder, instant coffee powder in a mixing bowl. With finger tips, rub in the cold butter until the mixture becomes crumbly. Set aside.
  2. Sift cake flour and baking powder, set aside.
  3. With a manual whisk (or an electric mixer), beat butter with sugar until the batter becomes pale, creamy and fluffy.
  4. Mix in vanilla extract, salt and mix well.
  5. Add in the eggs gradually, mix well each time the eggs is added.
  6. With a spatula, stir in the cake flour/baking powder mixture. Stir until the flour mixture is fully incorporated into the batter. The batter at this stage will be quite thick and firm.
  7. Add in yoghurt in a few separate additions, stir well each time the yoghurt is added. The batter will become smooth and 'spreadable'.
  8. Line the bottom of a 20cm (8") springform pan or a loose bottom pan with 1/3 of the crumbles. Spread evenly and press firmly with the back of a spoon.
  9. Add in half of the cake batter, spread evenly with the spatula. Sprinkle the top of the cake batter evenly with 1/3 of the crumbles. Add in the remaining cake batter, spread evenly. Sprinkle with the rest of the remaining crumbles.
  10. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 170deg for 35-40 mins, or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean.
  11. Remove cake from oven, let cool slightly and unmold. Allow to cool completely before slicing/serving.
  12. The cake can be left in room temperature or left to chill in the fridge. If allowed to chill, let the cake returns to room temperature before serving.
虽然步骤看起来比较长, 比较复杂, 但是其实也不会太难, 只要先把crumbles做好, 再去弄蛋糕体, 就简单很多。

蛋糕体是属于比较湿润扎实, 吃下去感觉有乳酪蛋糕的口感, 跟crumbles配搭得很好。 而且我crumbles里头加了双倍的咖啡粉, 很喜欢那个香味, 有提神的作用呢。  

就是这样, 用叉子一小口吃, 就会感觉到幸福的味道:)

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