的 Panna Cotta 来啦, 呵呵, 自从两个星期前在一个餐厅试过这个甜点后, 我就对它念念不忘了。 在网上搜寻了一阵子,
终于给我找到食谱了。 后来才发现, 原来我的食谱书也是有这个食谱啊, 只是我很少会尝试弄甜点, 因为总觉得会吃肥人啊。 不过这次是例外啦,
根据 Wikipedia 的解说: Panna cotta is an Italian dessert made by simmering together cream, milk and sugar, mixing this with gelatin, and letting it cool until set.
其实材料很简单, 就只有奶油霜, 牛奶, 鱼胶粉和糖。 然后上面那层是随你喜欢的, 我是用新鲜的草莓切丁, 加上一点的糖和水, 拿去煮成酱。 我觉得上面也可以洒些可可或者咖啡粉, 也应该会不错。
根据 Wikipedia 的解说: Panna cotta is an Italian dessert made by simmering together cream, milk and sugar, mixing this with gelatin, and letting it cool until set.
其实材料很简单, 就只有奶油霜, 牛奶, 鱼胶粉和糖。 然后上面那层是随你喜欢的, 我是用新鲜的草莓切丁, 加上一点的糖和水, 拿去煮成酱。 我觉得上面也可以洒些可可或者咖啡粉, 也应该会不错。
成果做出来很不错, 我喜欢, 哈哈, 吃了有甜在心里的感觉。 还有上面的草莓酱, 也是甜甜的。 这次我是用超市卖的韩国草莓, 比金马仑的甜很多呢! 不过这种甜品偶尔吃就好了, 因为脂肪比例很高:)
Whipping Cream 200ml
Milk 150ml
Sugar 30g
Gelatine powder 1/2 tbsp
1. Dissolve gelatine powder with 30ml of water using double boiler method.
2. Cook the cream, milk and sugar in a pan. Stir till well combined.
3. Remove the pan from the heat, add in dissolved gelatine and stir.
4. Strain the mixture into a bowl.
5. Put the bowl under another bowl of ice water to cool down.
6. Pour the mixture into cup and fridge for 3-4 hours.
7. Garnish the top layer with strawberry coulis.
For strawberry coulis:
10 medium size strawberries, add in 2-3 tsp of sugar and 2 tbsp of
water. Put into a pan, bring to boil and simmer for 3-4 minutes. Cool
and chill then spoon over panna cotta. Leave to set in the fridge.
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