很久很久以前, 我非常的喜欢姜汁撞奶这个甜品。记得一次在香港的时候, 曾经品尝过一个让人难以忘怀的姜汁撞奶。 但是后来再去找, 已经没有了, 所以有点可惜再也找不会那个味道了。 后来我也尝试自己在家自制这个甜品, 有成功过, 但是也有失败的时候。 直到后来看到小小米桶的书里, 有这个姜汁炖奶, 有点大同小异, 就决定给‘它’一个机会吧。
姜汁炖奶 (改编自小小米桶的不失败厨房)
老姜 1块 (磨成泥, 去1Tbsp的姜汁, 备用)
牛奶 350ml
细糖 70g (我减去40g)
鸡蛋白 3个
蜜红豆 4Tbsp
锅内放入牛奶和细糖, 开小火, 搅拌, 直到糖溶化, 待冷备用。
将蛋白轻轻搅拌打散后, 加入姜汁, 和以上的牛奶。
把做法 (2) 的牛奶蛋液过滤2-3遍.
把耐热的陶瓷碗放入水滚的蒸锅蒸约5分钟, 让陶瓷变热, 再倒入牛奶蛋液。
以中大火蒸约5分钟, 转最小火, 并在锅盖处放根筷子留些空间, 蒸约6-8分钟, 即可。
Steamed Ginger Egg Custard
Old ginger 1 piece (grate to make 1Tbsp of its juice)
Milk 350ml
Castor sugar 70g (I reduced to 40g)
Egg white 3
Red bean 4Tbsp
In a pot, with small heat, warm milk and sugar, stir till sugar dissolved. Let it cool.
Beat egg white lightly, add in ginger juice and the milk from (1).
Let the mixtures run through fine sieve 2-3 times.
Put in the ramekins into the steamer and steam for 5 minutes (to
warm them up in order to shorten the steaming time later), then pour in
the milk mixture.
Steam with moderate to high heat for 5 minutes, then turn to small
heat, and put chopstick at the cover of the steamer, to leave a place,
steam for another 6-8 minutes.
Add in red bean just before serving.