鸡扒芝士焗饭 Chicken Chop Cheese Baked Rice

Min's 於 2013-08-06 12:06:17 發表  |  累積瀏覽 1462


以前大学时期, 很喜欢吃一家香港茶餐厅的芝士焗饭, 每次吃了都会回味无穷。 后来当芝士焗饭比较普遍后, 也比较少吃了, 但是偶尔点来吃也很有满足感。 因此这次打算自己来挑战一些, 看是否能找回那时候的味道。 

  • 鸡扒 3块
  • 洋葱 1/2个
  • 青, 红椒, 切粒 各1/2个
  • 番茄, 切粒 2个
  • 蘑菇,切粒 5个
  • 鸡蛋 2个
  • 蒜茸 1tsp
  • 白饭 2碗
  • 芝士 适量
  • 面粉 1-2Tbsp
  • 酱油 1Tbsp
  • 糖 1/2tsp
  • 粟粉 1tsp
  • 绍兴酒 2tsp
  • 姜汁 1tsp
  • 麻油 少许
  • 黑胡椒粉 少许
  • 蒜茸 1/2tsp
  • 番茄膏 1Tbsp
  • 高汤 3/4杯
  • 面粉 1Tbsp
  • 盐, 糖调味
  1. 鸡扒用腌料腌制约30分钟, 沾上蛋汁, 铺上面粉, 放入油锅煎熟或金黄色备用。 
  2. 在原锅放点油, 放洋葱炒香, 放入蒜茸继续炒, 放入蘑菇, 青红椒, 番茄, 少许盐。 所有材料炒至软身后捞起备用。 
  3. 在原锅中, 放点油烧热, 倒入剩下的蛋汁, 见蛋汁有点熟, 加入白饭翻炒, 然后加入2/3的炒好的杂菜, 拌匀后放入盘, 备用。 
  4. 油锅中放入蒜茸, 转小火, 加入番茄膏炒匀, 加入高汤煮滚, 慢慢加入面粉, 直到变浓稠, 加盐糖调味。 加入鸡扒和其余的蔬菜, 拌匀, 倒入盘中, 上面洒上芝士。 
  5. 放入预热220'C的烤箱, 烤15-20分钟, 或直到芝士转金黄色。
Chicken Chop Cheese Baked Rice
Serving: for 3-4 people
Source:Christine's Recipe

  • 3 chicken chops
  • 1/2 onion
  • 1/4 green capsicum, chopped
  • 1/4 red capsicum, chopped
  • 2 tomatoes, deseeded and cut into small cubes
  • 5 fresh mushrooms cut into small pieces
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 1/2 teaspoon crushed garlic
  • 2 bowls cooked rice
  • dash of Mozzarella cheese (or Parmesan, Cheddar), to taste
  • 2 Tbsp plain flour
  • 1 Tbsp light soy sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 teaspoon corn flour
  • 2 teaspoons Shaoxing wine
  • 1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger juice
  • Dash of sesame oil
  • Pinch of ground black pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon crushed garlic
  • 2 Tbsp tomato paste
  • 3/4 cup chicken broth
  • 1 Tbsp plain flour
  • Pinch of salt and sugar
  1. Preheat oven to 220C.
  2. Rinse and wipe dry pork chops. Use the back of a chopper to tenderize them. Mix well with marinade and leave for 30 minutes. Separate a small part of whisked eggs for dipping pork chops and leave the rest for frying rice. After dipping the pork chops thoroughly in beaten eggs, pat lightly with plain flour removing excess flour. Put pork chops in a frying pan over high heat until both sides are brown. Set aside.
  3. Add 2 tablespoons of cooking oil to sauté onion until aromatic, add minced garlic. Toss in mushrooms and leave them to cook until dry. Add green, red capsicum and tomatoes, liberally sprinkle salt. Stir well until all ingredients tenderized. Set aside.
  4. Add oil in frying pan, pour in the rest beaten eggs. When the eggs cooked half through, toss in white rice, stir well.Stir in 2/3 cooked vegetables, arrange in a ceramic tray (oven proof).
  5. Heat up the pan again, sauté minced garlic over medium low heat. Add tomato paste, chicken broth. Gradually add plain flour to thicken the sauce, sprinkling salt and sugar to your taste. Toss in pork chops and the rest of vegetables. Place sauce mixture over fried rice. Bake in the oven at 220C for about 15 to 20 minutes, or until cheese turns golden.
原食谱用的是猪扒, 我用鸡扒代替, 而且也把番茄酱的份量增加了。 看似比较复杂的食谱, 但是一步一步做发觉也没有太难。 出来的成品大家都说好, 自己也很喜欢, 番茄配芝士真的有火花。 感觉偶尔在厨房花些心思, 不用大鱼大肉, 也能吃得很有满足感.

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