出自Layers baking with Gregoire Michaud 一書
可以做一塊約25x 25cm
低筋麵粉 100g
牛油 20g
鹽 3g
水 45g
1. 油酥材料合成柔滑狀,沒有結塊,做成約1 cm 厚的長方形。
2. 混合水油麵團,搓成有彈成的麵團,用保鮮紙包好。
3. 油酥及水油麵團放雪櫃鬆筋1小時。
4. 水油麵團壓平面績約油酥的兩倍大,油酥放中間,將另一邊的水油麵團摺過來,蓋在油酥上,四周包好。
5. 做2 次單覆摺,在雪箱鬆筋30分鐘,再做1次單覆摺。
6. 麵團在使用前放雪櫃內鬆筋1小時。
7. 壓平用。
1. 不建議夏天做千層酥,因爲天氣太熱牛油會溶得很快,令水皮爆皮,以致難以用麵棍壓成一層層的水皮及油皮的麵團。
2. 牛油皮及水皮要冷藏至相同的温度令壓麵團壓出一致性。 3. 見到有牛油溶的時候就放入雪櫃雪一段時間再取出壓,視乎情況,15-30分鐘不等。
can do 25 x 25 cm
Cake flour 100g
Butter 20g
Salt 3g
Water 45g
Butter 75g
Cake flour 22g
Method is a bit different from the book
1. Mix all the ingredients in beurrage and form a 1cm thick square, covered with plastic cling.
2. Mix all the ingredients in detrempe and rub into a dough and cover with plastic cling.
3. Detrempe and beurrage chill in the fridge for 1 hour.
4. Roll the dough on the table with size double of the beurrage, put the beurrage on top and fold the other size of the dough and cover the beurrage. Make sure the beurrage is sealed by the dough.
5. Do two single flow and release in the fridge for 30 minutes. And do another single flow.
6. Release the pastry into the fridge for 1 hour before use.
7. Flatten the dough as puff pastry sheet.
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