MSIG Sai Kung - March 1 2014

happyrunner 於 2014-03-01 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 416






It was 6am, with temperature at 18 degree Celsius and humidity reaching 90%. Buses and taxi continued to arrive at Pak Tam Chung. Over 1000 runners gathered here to run the Sai Kung station of the MSIG HK50 series, which showcased one of the most spectacular natural view of Hong Kong.

50 km course kicked off at 7am, while 26km and 13km course started at 7:10am. Running along Tai Mong Tsai Rd and taking a left turn at the end, the course took runners straight up from sea level to Tai Cham Koi, with an elevation gain of 400m.

For those doing 13km, Lok Wu Trail led them back to the finish point via Sai Wan Road. For those in 50km and 26km course, checkpoint at Chek Keng was around the corner for refreshment before more challenge ahead.

Leaving the checkpoint and running along Maclehose trail section 2, runners soon arrived Tai Long Au, and got ready for the highlight of the course. The cloud sheltered the sun, and made the way up the Sharp Peak less painful than usual. After a while of rock climbing, soon they found being surrounded by the fog and reached the top of Sharp Peak.

All the way from the top to Tung Wan, it was the sandy trails, the sharp descend and some bushwhacking which made this section the most technical part of the course. Running along the beaches of led runners back to the concrete trail. Upon reaching Chui Tung Au, the 26km course bought runners back to the finish line via the Sai Wan Road.

50km course continued with the Maclehose trail until they were off the East Dam and looped around Pak Lap, before heading back to Men Yee Road. After 4km on the concrete road and once runners were off the West Dam, they headed onto the trail again along Sheung Yiu Country Trail. Checkpoint was located at 38km, which marked the start of the Pak Tam Country Trail, as well as the final uphill challenge for the tired legs. Following Maclehose Trail section 3 to the top of Ngau Yee Shek Shan, the course made a loop back to Pak Tam Chung to finish through Cheung Sheung and Wa Mei Shan. Oversea runners, in both men and women category, defeat local runners and took the high stand in the podium.
路線:越野賽 (50k / 26k / 13k)
價錢:$430 / $380 / $280

Translantau 50  March 13 2014
Panasonic 飛達慈善復活跑2014 - April 6 2014
Sundown Marathon - May 31 2014


感謝 happyrunner 提供以上資料

happyrunner的網誌: http://happyrunnerstory.blogspot.hk/


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