Pre Trip 1,
Pre Trip 2)都沒有完成最後上大帽山的一段,而且每次上針山都痛苦非常,所以比賽前都有點擔心完成不了。
全靠大會的補給,也沒怎麼消耗身上帶的食物。基本補給如水,麵包,電解飲品和香蕉都有提供,也有綠茶可樂為參賽者打氣。一切簡簡單單,但卻適用。相比一些收費貴,卻標榜在checkpoint提供什麼什麼fancy補給的比賽,XTE更加腳踏實地。checkpoint分佈合適,在每個check point帶上500ml水就非常足夠。輕身上路,感覺果然不同。要大讚的是,check point的工作人遠全部都非常熱情,而且樂於幫忙。check point的工作人遠永遠都是留守到最後最辛苦的,但他們還不停為參賽者打氣,這是在其他比賽少見的。
上坡上階梯保持均速,下坡平路緩跑,加上以上次pre trip計畫步速和checkpoint的休息時間,sub 9真是非常滿意。跟pre trip時不同,正式比賽時全程步伐一致,跟隊友的距離,一直保持在十米之內。揹著隊友沖線後的一個擁抱,勝過千言萬語。
XTE 45km Midnight Express - October 19 2013
With its expertise in organizing adventure races, XTE Challenge Series brought trail runners a mini version of Oxfam Trailwalkers on October 19. The 45km Midnight Express covers Maclehose section 4 to 8. Within a time limit of 18 hours, over 200 trail runners conquered the most challenging sections of the Maclehose trail.
The race started at Shui Long Wo Campsite at 6pm. With a full moon hanging in the sky, some did not even bother to have the headlamp on and just sprinted the first uphill section. The climb up the saddle-shaped Ma On Shan warmed them up for this midnight party.
Reaching Section 5 Maclehose Trail and Passing the toi fu dessert shop at Sha Tin Pass, runners continue their way up Beacon Hill. Coming down from the Lion Rock, the route continues as a leisure jog in the Kam Shan Country Park, which was famous for the appearance of monkeys.
Reaching Shing mun reservoir as the check point, runners could take a break for food and drink. As termed by Oxfam Trialwalkers as “Needle, Grass and Hat”, ahead are the 3 hills to tackle. Hiking up these hills on its fully exposed trail was exhausting, yet autumn breeze gave runners the final push up Tai Mo Shan. Last leg downhill on the concrete road rewarded runners after the all the climb. The race finished at Tsuen Kam Au Rotary Park.
感謝 happyrunner 提供以上資料
happyrunner的網誌: http://happyrunnerstory.blogspot.hk/