焗完再雪 — 藍莓芝士凍餅

心迷廚房 於 2006-10-26 00:00:00 發表  |  累積瀏覽 493

買了兩盒藍莓一籌莫展不知拿來做什麼才好。每一次都是做藍莓馬芬﹐都快悶死了﹐所以就上網看看有什麼食譜可參考。在為食貓網站上面找到藍莓芝士凍餅﹐這個餅是要進焗爐焗﹐出爐後放涼要再放進雪柜﹐所以要吃這個餅可說要一天一夜的時間。 要焗的芝士餅還是第一次做。跟同事說起﹐平常經常入廚的一位同事說這樣的芝士餅是傳統芝士餅的做法啊。 Learn something new everyday 其中一位同事吃過以後可說是「食過翻尋味」﹐問我要食譜自己回去做一個。所以我把食譜翻成英文給她囉 For the cheesecake base:
  1. 50g...Digestive Biscuits
  2. 30g...Unsalted butter/margarine, melted
For the cheesecake mix:
  1. 50g...Blueberries
  2. Little bit of lemon juice
  3. 25g...Caster Sugar
  4. 250g...Mascarpone Cheese
  5. 50g...Caster Sugar
  6. 150g...Double Cream
  7. 1...Egg
For the sauce:
  1. 125g...Blueberries
  2. 25g...Caster Sugar
  3. ½ tbsp...Corn flour/ Arrowroot
  1. Preheat the oven to 160C
  2. To make the base, crush the biscuits and combine with the melted butter, then press firmly into a 6” cake tin. Put it into the fridge.
  3. To make the cheesecake mix, heat the 50g blueberries with 25g caster sugar and lemon juice till it is thickened. Then leave it to cool.
  4. Blend 50g caster sugar with mascarpone cheese. Fold in the double cream, egg and the blueberry mixture from step (3) into the cheese mixture. Pour the mixture over the biscuit base prepared in step (2)
  5. Sit the tin in a baking tray filled with 2-3mm of water. Place into the preheated oven and bake for one hour.
  6. Remove from the oven and leave it to cool. Chill it in the fridge overnight.
  7. To make the sauce, heat the sauce ingredients together till it’s thickened and leave it to cool.


感謝 心迷廚房 提供以上資料

心迷廚房的網誌: http://sammi-kitchen.blogspot.hk/


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